Name Institution Subject
Chapelle Au Imperial College London Medicine
Ellen Bagley University of Birmingham Electronic Engineering
Eloise Bewes University of Exeter English Literature
Lisa Beyer University of Bath International Management
Isobel (Izzy) Boyes-Watson University of Sheffield General Engineering *
Lily Brabbin University of Birmingham Psychology
Heather Burgess Kings College London Mathematics
Sophie Burton Aberystwyth University Biology
Charlotte Merry Chan University of Warwick Economics
Hei Lam (Harriet) Cheung University of Sheffield Biomedical Engineering
Yan Lam (Natalie) Cheung University of Exeter Medicine
Alexandra Cutmore University of Oxford French and Philosophy
Lia Dardis Green Brown University * Gap Year at Sydney Rowing Club
Zoe Davies Oxford School of Drama Foundation Year
Mieke Davisson University of Edinburgh Philosophy
Sophie Dunlop Gap Year International conservation project and travel
Selin Duzyol Architectural Association School of Architecture Architectural Foundation Course
Hebe Ellam University of Edinburgh Arabic and Politics
Skylar Fernander SOAS University of London International Relations and Economics
Sum Yi (Sally) Fong University College London Neuroscience
Sophie Forkum University of Surrey Business Management and Marketing
Emily Fry University of Birmingham Biological Sciences
Erin Galway University of Nottingham Medicine at Lincoln
Lucinda (Lucy) Gardiner Gap Year Working in education in Australia
Anjali Gopinathan University of Reading Biomedical Engineering
Esther Grimley University of Oxford Modern Languages (French)
Xiaoge (Joyce) Guo University of St Andrews History of Art
Katie Guy University of Leeds Sociology, Social Policy and Crime *
Ella Hale University of Manchester Politics and Economics *
Rose Hardcastle Durham University Chemistry
Amber Heer University of Birmingham Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Elanor Faye (Ellie) Hinnells University of East Anglia Philosophy
Cassia (Cassie) Howatson Gap Year
Emilia (Mimi) Howe Bournemouth University Sports Management
Kyla Edward Pascal Hung Queen Mary University of London Neuroscience
Abbie Hurd University of East Anglia Paramedic Science
Anna Ivanenko New York University
Tiffany Jakovljevich Goldsmiths, University of London Popular Music
Zara Jones University of Oxford English Language and Literature
Katarina Korica Arts University Bournemouth Film Production
Kam Yan (Sherie) Kwok Kings College London Biomedical Sciences
Muk Yan (Eunice) Kwok University College London Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Natalie Lalvani University of Bath Mathematics with study abroad
Nicole Lam University College London Biomedical Sciences
Grace Leonard Gap Year
Kwan Yin (Chloe) Liu University of Exeter Natural Sciences
Paige Louey University of Manchester Architecture
Emily Lyon University of St Andrews Ecology and Conservation
Rebecca McLoone University of Cambridge Engineering
Emma-Annalise Miles Gap Year Work experience in South Africa and America for Veterinary Science
Phoebe Millard University of the West of England Business Management
Iman Xaviera Mohd Aqliff Shane Abdullah University of Reading Biomedical Science
Ava Morley University of East Anglia Economics *
Eleanor Muldoon Gap Year
Kayenaat Nadeem-Aftab SOAS University of London World Philosophies
Eleanor Newman University of Cambridge Medicine
Kristy Ng University of Bath Structural and Architectural Engineering
Emma Noble University of Massachusetts Amherst * Gap Year - Leander Rowing Programme
Lana Nott SOAS University of London Japanese and Economics
Olivia Pasley Imperial College London Material Science and Engineering
Jasmine Phillipson University of Sheffield Biological Sciences
Alison (Ali) Powell University of Manchester Material Sciences and Engineering
Olivia Prideaux University of Bristol History and French
Helena Purves Princeton University
Elinor Randall Oxford Brookes University Computer Science for Cyber Security
Jessica Roberts University of Bristol Psychology *
Ulyana Roberts University of Bristol Psychology
Emma Rose Vogue College of Fashion Fashion Communication and Industry Practice
Amina Sekkat Gap Year
Asha Seymour University of York English
Farah Shahrizal Queen Mary University of London Medicine
Sofija Smaliukaite University of Birmingham Biochemistry
Eveline Smith University of Liverpool Biomedical Sciences
Trinity (Trin) St John Cox University of Bristol Biology
Alice Stapley Dartmouth College Mechanical Engineering
Kiran Tia Suraj University of Manchester Drama
Grace Symondson-Cann Arts University Bournemouth Film Production
Nica Szymanski Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Lifesciences and Business Management *
Jessica Taylor Durham University Biological Sciences
Minya Teo Kings College London Biomedical Sciences
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Thornton University of Birmingham Anthropology
Lucy (Bertie) Trevelyan University of York Business Management
Hui Wang (Alicia) Tsang University College London Sustainable Built Environments, Energy and Resources
Khalidah (Didi) Usman University of Birmingham Law
Amicia Walczak Cardiff University International Relations
Georgia (Georgie) Walker Gap Year
Mia Walsh University of Nottingham Management with Placement Year
Tao Ran (Teresa) Wang Central Saint Martins London Fashion Design Foundation Year
Yuexin (Kiki) Wang Unplaced
Louisa Warr University of Birmingham Philosophy
Emily Watson University of Bristol Veterinary Science
Saskia Whittingham University of Edinburgh Computer Science
Bethan Workman University of Cambridge Anglo Saxon, Norse and Celtic
Elysia Yap Loughborough University Materials Science and Engineering
Annie Zhang University of California San Diego Economics