Name Institution Subject
Rabiah Abbasi University of Sussex Life Sciences with Foundation year
Amelia Ainscough Loughborough University Fashion Design Innovation
Oluwatimilehin (Timilehin) Akerele University of Bristol Law
Zeynep Akin Imperial College London Chemistry with Molecular Physics
Lynette Alsop Durham University Biological Sciences
Atinuke (Tinu)Baker Royal Holloway University International Relations and Politics
Liva Barlow-Olsen University of the West of England Bristol Business and Human Reource Management
Emilia Belardo Heriott-Watt University Economics
Sophia Brehm University of Cambridge History and Modern Languages
Paige Buffham Bournemouth University Multimedia Sports Journalism
Hiu Pui (Chloe) Chan University of Leeds Geography
Jiangnan (Karina) Chen University College London Economics and Statistics
Yuzhu (Angelia) Chen Gap Year
Charmaine Cho University of Bristol Economics and Management
Man Ki (Megan) Chu University of Sheffield General Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year
Valerie Chung University of Warwick Economics and Industrial Organisation
Elizabeth Collins Nottingham Trent University Creative Writing
Isabelle (Issie) Cotterill-Hawksworth Royal Holloway, University of London Liberal Arts with integrated Foundation Year
Araminta (Minty) Cullinane University of Exeter Classics
Oi Yan (Therese) Dai Durham University Psychology
Jennerfer (Jenny) Dedman University of Cambridge Veterinary Medicine
Madisson (Maddie) Deveaux University of Surrey Sport and Exercise Science
Eleanor (Nell) Dickinson Durham University Natural Sciences
Katie Duffy Gap Year
Jessica (Jess) Duxbury University of Exeter Geography
Catherine Elly University of Chichester Musical Theatre (Cabaret)
Clara Enriques University of Sussex Psychology
Ellie-Rose Esapa Bournemouth University Exercise and Sport Sciences
Lillie Evans Gap Year
Emily Fenning Cardiff University Human Geography and Planning
Ayako Frellesvig University of Cambridge History
Ruoyu (Rita) Fu University College London Economics
Pan (Elaine) Ge University of Nottingham Economics and Finance with Foundation Year
Beatrix (Bea) Gelling University of Exeter Exercise and Sport Sciences
Amelia Gleed University Of Texas Leander rowing programme followed by Liberal Arts
Grace Graham Nottingham Trent University Primary Education (QTS)
Imogen (Immie) Graham University of Cambridge Music
Rhea Haldar University of Surrey Computer Science with Foundation Year
Clemency (Clem) Hale KLC Apprenticeship Interior Design
Grainne (Grey) Hendriok McNulty University of Hertfordshire Paramedic Science
Fallon Hill Oxford Brookes University Business and Management
Olivia Hill Manchester Metropolitan University Textiles in Practice
Yue Kiu (Katrina) Ho University of Bristol Neuroscience
Abigail (Abi) Hobbins University of Nottingham Medicine
Alethea (Ali) Hobley Royal Holloway, University of London - Business and Management Deloitte Apprenticeship
Mathilda (Tilda) Howard Gap Year
Bethany Howell University of Sheffield Speech and Language Therapy
Si Jia (Alina) Hu University of Cambridge History of Art
(Dorea) Elaine Hung University of Essex Law
Wenjing (Amanda) Jing University of Birmingham Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery
Eleanor Johnson Oxford Brookes University Sport Management and Coaching
Nina (August) Jones University of Worcester Forensic Psychology
Rebecca Jones Nottingham Trent University Business Management (Human Resources Management)
Scarlett Jones Gap Year
Beril Karabulut Gap Year
Seunghye (Niki) Kim Queen Mary University of London Pharmacology and Innovative Therapeutics
Madeleine (Maddie) Kirkman University of the Arts London Foundation Diploma in Arts and Design
Zara Kyari King's College London Law
Amelia Lecane University of Sussex International Relations
Yeuk Yin (Anette) Lee University of St Andrews Philosophy and Psychology
Freya Leighton-Jones Cardiff University Politics
Shui Wan (Sophelia) King's College London Law
Yangfei (Jennifer) Liu Gap Year
Wai Ting (Christy) Man University of Hong Kong Law
Talitha Markham Nottingham Trent University Fashion Marketing
Floriana (Floss) Martin Swansea University Sport and Exercise Science
Amelie Matthews University of Sheffield Environmental Science
Katinka May Kingston University Fashion with Professional Placement Year
Magdalen (Maggie) McGuinness University of Pennsylvania Liberal Arts
Anna McVeigh University of Buckingham Medicine
Alice Morgan University of Leeds Fashion Design Innovation
Hamna Muhammad RCSI Bahrain Medicine
Sulava Najar Leeds Beckett University Business Management and Finance
Ayla Naseer Gap Year
Francesca Navrady-Wilson University of Hertfordshire Early Childhood Education
Bethany-Rose (Rosie) Newton Gap Year
Chin Wai (Ashley) Ng Camberwell College of Arts, of the University of the Arts London Foundation Diploma in Arts and Design.
Cheuk In (Coco) Sun Lancaster University Marketing
Yin Yung (Victoria) Ng University of Bath International Development with Economics
Afileluwa (Filelu) Ogunseinde University of Reading Finance (Sustainable Finance)
Ela Oztoprak Gap Year
Freya Parton Arts University Bournemouth Film Production
Jasmine Pickford Nottingham Trent University Costume Design and Construction
Amelia Pillar Yale University Leander rowing programme followed by Liberal Arts
Ruby Powell University of Exeter Leander rowing programme followed by Liberal Arts
Pannin (Ninnin) Reanchareonsuk University College London Natural Sciences
Charlotte Rose Durham University Classics
Honor Saunders Queen's University Belfast Medicine
Yasemin Secgin Gap Year
Raeesa Selim Goldsmiths, University of London History of Art
Clementine (Clemmie) Semler-West University of Cambridge Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic *
Jingying (Ying) She University of Southampton Business Management
Zara Sheik-Panchoo University of Manchester Psychology
Manfei (Jessica) Shen Kings College London Physics
Orla Smyth University of Glasgow Medicine
Megan Street Gap Year
Ying Chui (Charlotte) Suen University of East Anglia Occupational Therapy
Bea Swanton Gap Year
Sze Lok (Amelie) Tai University of British Columbia LAnglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic *
Alex Taylor Gap Year
Megan Timms University of Strathclyde Marine and Freshwater Biology
Ka Yi (Kylie) Ting University of Bath Integrated Design Engineering with Professional Placement
Mia Vedral University of Sussex Psychology (foundation)
Zilu (Louise) Wang London School of Economics and Political Science Economics
Roxanne (Roxy) Warne Loughborough University Business Economics and Finance (with placement year)
Polly Weaver Cardiff University Law and Politics
Kede (Caroline) Wei The Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland Medicine
Eva Willman Wynne University of Bath Modern Languages (Advanced Spanish & Beginner French)
Amaya Wilson University of the West of England Psychology
Ella Winter University of Leeds Food and Nutrional Science
Ho Yin (Stephanie) Wong University of York English
Sze Ki (Christy) Wong University College London Pharmacy
Yu Hei (Koko) Wong Cardiff University Law
Sophie Wrightson University College London Medicine
Tin Yan (Jamie) Wu London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Geography
Yanfei (Linda) Wu University College London Astrophysics
Yixuan Wu King's College London Neuroscience and Psychology
Feifei Xu SOAS University of London International Relations
Sum Yu (Tiffany) Xu University of the Arts London Illustration
Ho Ching (Deirdre) Yam University of York Law
Yingjia (Helen) Yang Boston University Liberal Arts
Emelia Yap Apprenticeship at Nielsen IQ Degree Apprenticeship